F A N F I C T O N   B Y   A N D R E A   C A S T R O
These stories belong to Andrea Castro. Please don't post, archive, or submit anywhere without her permission.


A R M S   R E A C H                                                                   NEW
(VOY, P/T, 8/?, Rated PG)
B'Elanna was kidnapped and abused during an away mission and looses her memory. Who better to help her then Tom? Set after The Chute
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8]
[indexed 16.04.02 | Review Story]
A T   L A S T
(VOY, P/T, 1/?, Rated PG)
The emotions take over. P/T .A spoiler to the sequel to ' You , only you .'
[Part 1]
C H I N E S E   E X P R E S S I O N                                              NEW
(VOY, P/T, 1/?, Rated PG)
AU version of Parturition...
[Part 1]
[indexed 16.04.02 | Review Story]
C O N T E M P L A T E                                                                NEW
(VOY, P/T, 2/?, Rated G)
Set after Lineage. Tom and B'Elanna reflect on their life together and the future .
[Part 1] [Part 2
[indexed 16.04.02 | Review Story]
F I R S T   K I S S ,   T H E
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
Set before Blood Fever. Tom and B'Elanna havean argment and make up but one thing leads to another ....
(VOY, P/T, 1/?, Rated PG)
Set after The Gift .Tom and B'Elanna finally admit their feelings for each other .The events  from Day of Honor didn't happen.
[Part 1]
N O   M O R E   D R A M A
(VOY, P/T, 1/?, Rated PG-13)
Set during The Killing Game , Part 2...
[Part 1]

(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
Set during Tom's time in the Maquis. What if he wasn't a womanizer?
T H E N     A N D   N O W
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
Tom and B'Elanna think back to parts of their history and then the baby comes. Set before Endgame.
T H Y   S H A L L   D O   N O   H A R M                                        NEW
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated G)
Tom and the Doctor have a talk. Set after Flesh and Blood...
[indexed 16.04.02 | Review Story]
T I M E   A N D   A G A I N                                                          NEW
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
Set during Shattered. What happened when Tom and B'Elanna tried to get back to their timelines.
[indexed 16.04.02 | Review Story]
W H A T   G O E S   A R O U N D   C O M E S   A R O U N D           NEW
(VOY, P/T, 2/?, Rated PG-13)
What if B'Elanna accidentally passed the Ponn Farr to Tom?
[Part 1] [Part 2]
[indexed 16.04.02 | Review Story]
Y O U ,   O N L Y   Y O U
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
A short story set after Threshold. Tom realizes he's in love...

SUGGEST this author in the Paris Nights Angst Award