F A N F I C T O N   B Y   K A T H E R I N A   R O S E L L I N I 
These stories belong to Katherina Rosellini. Please don't post, archive, or submit anywhere without his permission.

(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
This story takes place immediately after Chakotay leaves the Captain with the information that an alien race came about B'Elanna's distress call...10 days ago, in the episode The Muse.
A D J U S T M E N T S                                                                  NEW
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
Post Endgame.  This piece is intended to be dialogue only between Tom and B’Elanna regarding the changes that come with living on earth after 7 years in the Delta Quadrant.
[indexed 12.03.02 | Review Story]
D A D D Y ' S   L I T T L E   G I R L
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
D E L T A   B L U E S
VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG-13)
Tom wants a “toy”, but first he’s got to get his wife’s permission.
F I R E   A N D   I C E
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
A fun little drabble told from Tom’s POV about the things he loves when he and B’Elanna fight.
G A M E   B E G I N S ,  T H E                                                     NEW
(Voy, P/T, J/C, C/7, 2/?, Rated R)
Set during the episode Endgame. Admiral Kathryn Janeway has gone back in time to bring Voyager back to earth. This is the first of many chapters exploring the effects her actions had on those closest to her.
[Part 1] [Part 2]
[indexed 12.03.02 | Review Story]
G O O D   M O  R N I N G   H E A R T A C H E
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
Set somewhere between Displaced and The Gift.  Harry interrupts Tom and B'Elanna while they're in the middle of...well read and find out. 
K I S S   &   T E L L
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
Did anyone wonder what happened after Tom kissed the Doc in Renaissance Man?  Well I did too.  This is a short little piece I came up with last night after watching it on tape. 
M I S S I O N :   R E S C U E
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
This takes place during Once Upon a Time in which Tom, Samantha Wildman and Tuvok are trapped in the Delta Flyer beneath the surface of a planet.  These are some of the thoughts I imagined Tom and B'Elanna were having while he was trapped. 
O N E   M O M E N T   I N   T I M E
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
old from B’Elanna’s POV.  Spoilers for Workforce parts 1 & 2, Drive, Distant Origin, Course: Oblivion, and Memorial. If you blink you may miss some of them.
O N L Y   Y O U
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
P E N N Y   F O R   Y O U R   T H O U G H T S
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
 short piece about what goes on through the heads of new lovers. Set immediately after the episode Revulsion.
T I L L   D E A T H   D O   U S   P A R T ?                                    NEW
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG-13)
After spending a lifetime together, it's time to say good-bye.
[indexed 12.03.02 | Review Story]
U N T I L   T O M O R R O W                                                     NEW
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated NC-17)
After spending a lifetime together, it's time to say good-bye.
[indexed 12.03.02 | Review Story]

SUGGEST this author in the Paris Nights Angst Award