F A N F I C T O N   B Y   D ' O R B A    S A N D E L S
These stories belong to D'Orba Sandels. Please don't post, archive, or submit anywhere without her permission.

D E A T H   O F   A   M O N S T E R...                                           NEW
(VOY, AU, P, 1/1, Rated PG)
B'Elanna is pregnant. Based on Information from Magazines and the downloaded Promo, before really watching the episode Lineage...
[indexed 05.04.02 | Review Story]
F A M I L Y   P H O T O ,  A
(VOY, P, 1/1, Rated PG)
Tom's father starts to think...
J U S T   A  B I T   J E A L O U S Y
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
A missing scene from Equinox. Tom and B'Elanna talk about his jealousy.
O N E   P I P                                                                              NEW
(VOY, P, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
Tom's thoughts about what happend in Unimatrix Zero.
[indexed 05.04.02 | Review Story]
Y O U   W A N N A   K N O W   M E
(VOY, P/T, 1/1, Rated PG)
Just a small Poem

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