Two Klingon Hearts
By: Amy Michelle ©1998 (

Disclaimer: ‘Star Trek: Voyager” and all it’s characters are
owned by Paramount Pictures, Inc.

Notes: I wasn’t sure of Henley’s rank, so I made her an
ensign. Also, forgive if there are any mistakes, I haven’t
seen Voyager in 1 month and 3 weeks (But, hey, who’s
There is also a slight resemblance to the DS9 episode
‘Change of Heart.’

Dedication: To JoAnna for all your help. It’s greatly
appreciated. (Thanks for the title!) And, to Mike (co-
founder of Operation: Save Voyager) for caring about Voyager
as much as I do. Thanks, 2-Man. :-)


B’Elanna Torres intently studied the padd which she
held in her hand. She seemed to block out the rest of the
universe when she worked. Harry once said that while
B’Elanna’s working, the ship could explode and she wouldn’t
Tom sat on the couch next to B’Elanna. He, on the
other hand, chose to study B’Elanna instead of write his
helm report even though it was due on the Captain’s desk at
0700 tomorrow morning. He’d just have to stay up late and
finish it. B’Elanna was so engrossed in her work that she
didn’t notice the pilot was staring at her.
B’Elanna nibbled her bottom lip. She often did that
while she was reading, Tom noted. He thought it was
adorable. Of course, he thought everything about her was
“B’Elanna?” he asked. There was no response.
“B’Elanna,” he said a little louder. Still no response.
“B’Elanna!” Tom said, his tone of voice forceful.
“Hmmm?” she asked, looking up from her padd. “Did you
say something?”
Tom laughed.
“What?” B’Elanna asked puzzled.
“Nothing,” Tom replied. “I’ve just been trying to get
your attention for the past five minutes.”
B’Elanna didn’t look so amused. “Well, you have it
now. What did you want to ask me?”
“What’s your favorite color?” Tom asked.
B’Elanna tried to suppress a giggle, but it slipped
past her lips. “What?” she asked.
“I was just thinking about all the things I know about
you,” Tom explained, “and I don’t know what your favorite
color is.”
“Oh,” B’Elanna said. She thought for a moment and
finally decided on a color. “Blue.”
“Ah, blue. Like the warp core?” Tom queried.
“No,” B’Elanna smiled, “like your eyes.”
For the first time since she knew him, B’Elanna thought
she almost saw Tom Paris blush -- almost.
B’Elanna went back to her work. A few minutes later
she was interrupted again.
“You didn’t ask what my favorite color was.”
B’Elanna looked at Tom exasperated. “What’s your
favorite color, Tom?” she asked sarcastically.
“Purple,” Tom said without thinking.
B’Elanna’s eyes once again concentrated on the padd she
held in her hands.
“Want to know why?”
“Why, Tom?” she asked not taking her eyes off her work.
“Because that’s what color you wore on our first
official date,” he smiled.
She looked at Tom. “That’s so sweet,” B’Elanna said as
she tenderly caressed Tom’s cheek with the back of her hand.
B’Elanna went back to studying her work.
“B’Elanna, will you move in with me?”
She dropped the padd and looked at Tom open-mouthed.
“Uh...,” she stammered trying to find the words. Finally
they came to her. “No,” she said bluntly.
Tom was shocked. “Why not?”
“Well, first of all, this place is a mess,” B’Elanna
said looking around the room. Padds were scattered on
various tables. A pile of dishes had collected on the
table. Not to mention the unmade bed and several items of
clothing that were on the floor.
“So, I’m not the best housekeeper,” Tom admitted. “I’ve
been busy lately.”
“I’m sorry, but the answer is still no.”
“But, why?” Tom really didn’t understand.
B’Elanna opened her mouth to answer, but before the
words could come out, her commbadge sounded.
“Janeway to Torres and Paris”
“Saved by the bell,” B’Elanna said and shot a wry smile
at Tom.
Tom pressed his commbadge, “We’re here, Captain.”
“I need to see the two of you in my ready room as soon
as possible,” the captain informed them.
“We’re on our way,” Torres said and the communication
ended. B’Elanna placed the padd on the table in front of her
and stood to head for the door. Tom got up and followed her
down the corridor towards the turbolift. They walked the
halls in silence, after all, walls *do* have ears. Once the
pair was in the turbolift, safely out of earshot, Tom picked
up the conversation again.
“Look, B’Elanna,” he began, “I know that asking you to
move in with me kind of came out of the blue.”
“Damn straight,” B’Elanna said.
“Just think about it, okay?”
B’Elanna said nothing. The turbolift stopped and the
doors opened to reveal the bridge. Tom noticed Tuvok was
sitting in the captain’s chair. Chakotay was still down on
the planet, Cinis, of which Voyager was currently in orbit.
Tom and B’Elanna strode across the bridge to the captain’s
ready room. B’Elanna pressed the door chime and waited for
Janeway’s acknowledgment.
“Enter,” came the captain’s voice from behind the door.
The couple entered the room and found Kathryn staring out
the window at Cinis instead of at her usual seat behind the
desk. She turned to face them.
Kathryn looked worried, Tom noted. Something was
“We’ve lost contact with our away team,” Janeway said.
B’Elanna moved as if she were going to say something,
but before she could, Janeway spoke again.
“It’s been almost three days since we last heard from
Commander Chakotay or Ensign Henley. I’m going to send
another away team down. I’d like that away team to be you
Janeway began to pace the floor of her ready room.
There was something else she wanted to say, B’Elanna sensed
“I won’t lie to you,” Janeway said. “This isn’t just
an away mission, it’s a rescue mission.”
Tom and B’Elanna looked puzzled.
“I’ll start from the beginning,” the captain said.
“The government of Cinis is in a state of utter chaos. When
we first arrived, we were told of this. However, Voyager
was in such desperate need of supplies, I was willing to
risk it. I was assured by President Oplia that we would be
safe. She saw the uprising against her government as
nothing more than an small angry mob. She severely
underestimated that mob. Chakotay ,Henley, and the vice-
president of Cinis were taken prisoner by a group of
radicals who oppose the government. They call themselves
the Avengers. We believe that they are holding our crew at
their base. Your mission would be to find this base and
rescue them.”
Tom and B’Elanna stared blankly at the captain giving
it all time to sink in.
“We’re going to do this alone?” Tom asked.
Janeway shook her head. “No, Oplia has appointed a few
members of her government to assist you in your efforts.”
Tom nodded. Janeway saw the apprehension on their
faces. Her chief helmsman and engineer were not looking
forward to this mission, she could tell that.
“I know this is going to be a difficult mission,”
Janeway admitted. “I wouldn’t have asked you to go if I
didn’t know you could handle it. I have faith in the both
of you.”
B’Elanna smiled inwardly. It wasn’t often that someone
told her they believed in her.
“You’ll leave in one hour,” Janeway said. “Meet me in
shuttlebay two then. We are unable to transport down
because of interference from the Avengers. Stop by sickbay,
the Doctor is going to place a tracking device under your
Tom and B’Elanna nodded and turned to exit the room.
Janeway waited until they had left and then moved over
to her desk and sat down. Resting her elbows on the desk,
she buried her head in her hands. She hoped she hadn’t just
ordered two of the finest officers she ever served with to
their deaths.
“Tuvok to Captain Janeway,” Kathryn’s commbadge
“Janeway here,” she said with a tired voice.
“We are receiving a communication from the planet.
It’s President Oplia, she wishes to speak with you.”
“I’ll take it in my ready room, put it through here,”
Janeway ordered.
“Aye, Captain,” Tuvok responded.
Oplia’s face appeared on a small screen on Janeway’s
desk. She was a rather plain looking woman. Her blondish
hair was pulled back into a tight bun and she wore a dull
gray suit. She didn’t seem to be much older than Janeway
was. The people of Cinis looked humanoid except for their
third eye located in the center of their foreheads. All
three of Oplia’s eyes were gray at the moment, leading
Janeway to believe that they changed with the color of
clothes they wear.
“Captain Janeway,” Oplia greeted her warmly.
“Have you heard anything about my crew?” Janeway asked
Oplia’s expression suddenly turned grim. “I regret to
inform you that we have not.”
Janeway sighed. She was tired of feeling helpless.
“I’m sending another away team down,” she informed the
Oplia nodded. “I’ll have some of my people meet them
at these coordinates.” Oplia pressed a few buttons and
began to transmit the location of the rendezvous the
“Thank you,” Janeway said and began to close the link.
“Captain Janeway,” Oplia said.
“We’ll get your people back, I promise,” the president
“I believe you,” Janeway assured her and the screen
went black.


Tom and B’Elanna sat next to each other on the biobed
as they listened to the Doctor talk.
“I have implanted a radioactive isotope just beneath
the surface of the skin on your right forearm, Mr. Paris,”
he explained. “This will enable Voyager to locate you.”
“It itches like hell,” Tom complained and scratched
furiously at his arm.
“Be careful not to scratch it, Mr. Paris,” the Doctor
said. “The nucleus of a radioactive isotope is extremely
Tom stopped scratching and gripped the edge of the
biobed to resist the temptation.
As hopeless as Tom Paris was sometimes, the Doctor sure
did appreciate his help in sickbay the past few months.
Being a hologram, the Doctor was able to work without rest,
however, he often enjoyed just having the company. No one
ever came to visit him since Kes’s death unless they were in
pain. Oh, he missed Kes terribly.
“You are free to go place your lives in danger once
more,” the Doctor said.
“Thanks, Doc,” Tom smiled and patted the hologram on
the back.
Tom and B’Elanna headed for the door, but were stopped
once more. “B’Elanna, Tom?” the Doctor said. They were
surprised, he rarely called them by their first names.
The pair turned to face him. “Be careful,” the Doctor
told them.


“Mariah!” Chakotay shouted as two men threw Henley into
the holding cell. She landed on the hard ground with a
thump. Chakotay moved over to where she lay on the floor.
“Mariah? Are you okay?” he asked worriedly.
“I’m fine,” Henley said as Chakotay helped her sit up.
She leaned against the wall.
“What did they do to you?” he asked.
“Surprisingly, nothing,” Mariah said. “They just asked
me questions. I refused to answer. I knew they were
frustrated with me. I felt as if they would become violent
at any moment, but they didn’t.”
“We’re their bargaining pieces,” came another voice.
The voice of Ewin, vice-president of Cinis. He had been
taken prisoner along with Henley and Chakotay.
“Then why do they keep us locked up?” Chakotay asked.
“I don’t know,” Ewin said his deep green eyes
reflecting the color of his tunic. Ewin was middle-aged. A
few years older then himself, Chakotay guessed.
“It doesn’t matter,” Chakotay said. “I don't plan to be
here long anyway. If I know Captain Janeway, she’s already
planning a rescue mission.”
“We can’t just sit here and do nothing,” Henley
whispered so the guard watching their cell wouldn’t hear.
“I didn’t plan on sitting here and doing nothing,”
Chakotay assured her.
Chakotay gestured to the far end of the small cell.
The trio moved to the corner where they could talk without
the guard hearing them.
“We have to get them to trust us,” Chakotay whispered.
“Trust us?” Ewin asked. “They’ll never trust me, I’m a
government official. These rebels will never trust me!” He
half-shouted. Chakotay sensed the contempt Ewin held for
these people.
The guard turned and looked in the cell. “What are
doing?” he insisted.
“We’re hungry,” Chakotay said. “Can we have something
to eat?”
The guard said nothing. “If we die of hunger, we’ll be
of no use to you,” Chakotay reminded him.
The guard walked away for a few minutes and then
returned carrying a tray. “I’m lowering the forcefield,” he
told them. “Don’t try anything funny.”
The forcefield lowered and the guard bent over to place
the food tray on the cell floor. Henley began to stand up,
but Chakotay grabbed her arm and shook his head. The guard
stepped out of the cell and raised the forcefield once more.
Chakotay slowly moved to get the tray. He lifted the
lid of it to reveal three plates consisting of very meager
servings. He took the tray over to where Henley and Ewin
were sitting in the corner and offered them each a plate.
Henley held the plate up to her nose and sniffed the
bluish-gray blob that was before her.
“Let’s hope it tastes better than it smells,” she
remarked. “What is it anyway?”
“Bokee,” Ewin replied as he shoveled the food into his
mouth greedily.
“Pardon?” Henley asked.
“It’s best that I don’t tell you what’s in it,” he
Mariah took a wary look at the blob on her plate and
then looked over to Chakotay.
He shrugged and took a small amount of the food with

his fingers and tentatively tasted it. His eyebrows raised
in surprise. It wasn’t *that* bad.
Henley did the same and, she too, was pleasantly


Paris and Torres sat in silence in the cockpit of the
shuttle Aristotle. Paris loved away missions. They gave
him a chance to stretch his legs and show off his piloting
skills. Tom raised his hand to his arm where the implant
was located.
“Ah, don’t scratch,” B’Elanna warned.
“I can’t help it,” Paris whined. “It itches. Why’d I
have to have the tracking device implanted under *my* skin?”
“Maybe because you volunteered,” B’Elanna said. “Now
quit your whining,” she teased.
“I’m surprised that Captain Janeway trusted us in a
shuttle together,” Tom said. “Especially after what
happened to the last shuttle we were in together.”
“It could have happened to anyone,” B’Elanna said.
“Besides, you loved that mission and you know it.”
“Oh, yes,” Paris said. “Floating through space in EVA
suits with our oxygen running low on the brink of death...”
“If you can’t say anything nice...” B’Elanna
“I’m not done yet,” Paris said. “Holding you close,
thinking that the last thing I would see was you, hearing
you tell me you loved me, saying some *stupid* comment about
how you picked a great time to tell me.”
“Yeah,” B’Elanna grinned. “That mission did have it’s
ups and downs.”
Tom pressed a few controls on his console. “How much
longer until we reach the rendezvous coordinates?” He
“Thirty six hours,” B’Elanna replied.
Paris’ mouth opened and B’Elanna half expected him to
whine. But he didn’t. “What ever are we going to do for
thirty six hours all alone in a shuttle?” he asked.
“Not what you think we’re going to do,” B’Elanna
“What do *I* think we’re going to do, B’Elanna?” He
asked displaying a cocky smile.
“I’m scared to ask,” B’Elanna said.
“Get your mind out of the gutter, B’Elanna,” Tom
teased. “What? You think I wanna neck for the next thirty
six hours? B’Elanna, I am shocked,” he said sarcastically.
B’Elanna raised one eyebrow at the pilot. “Don’t tell
me you weren’t thinking it,” she said.
“Okay, so maybe I was,” he admitted. “You can’t tell
me that you *don’t* want to.”
“We’re on duty, Lieutenant,” B’Elanna said playfully.
“‘Lieutenant’?” Tom asked. “Getting a bit formal,
aren’t we? If we want to bring rank into this, may I remind
you that I outrank you.”
“So?” she asked.
“So, I can relieve you of duty.”
“You couldn’t,” she said.
“I could.”
“You wouldn’t,” she countered.
“I would.”
“I’m going to have to say it, B’Elanna,” he teased.
“Lieutenant B’Elanna Torres,”
“Tom, knock it off.”
“As your superior officer,” he continued.
“This isn’t funny anymore, Tom.”
“I hereby re...”
“Two can play at this game,” she said. Before Paris
could finish his sentence, B’Elanna silenced him with a
B’Elanna broke off the kiss and leaned back in her
chair smiling broadly at Tom.
“Are you trying to bribe a superior officer?” he
“Tom!” She shouted and playfully punched him in the


Chakotay lay in the dark corner of the holding cell,
examining his surroundings. Mariah and Ewin had fallen
asleep a few hours ago. Still, Chakotay couldn’t sleep. If
only he hadn’t been knocked unconscious when they were
brought to the enemy camp, he might be able to tell where
they were and maybe think of a way out of there.
Kathryn was probably already working on a rescue
mission. Or at least he hoped that she was.
Chakotay felt his eyelids begin to get heavy. He
yawned and shut his eyes. Chakotay heard a faint whisper
only a few meters away from him.
“Hey!” A female voice forcefully whispered. “Wake up!”
Chakotay opened his eyes and looked around to see where
the voice was coming from. He spotted a woman standing
outside of the holding cell.
“Hey! You!” The woman called to Chakotay.
Chakotay got up and slowly walked over to where the
woman was standing.
“What?” He said, a little too loud because the woman
gave a forceful “Shhh!”
“What?” He asked again, this time softly.
“My name is Vea,” She said.
“I’m Chakotay,” He introduced himself. Vea was
wearing all black. Her eyes reflected the color making it
impossible to see her pupils.
“I’m going to help you get out of here,” Vea said
glancing behind her occasionally to make sure no one was
Chakotay looked at the woman with a confused look.
“I work for the government,” Vea explained. “My
partner and I joined the Avengers undercover to find out
where their bases were and to learn their secrets.”
Vea glanced behind her once more before continuing.
“We’ve had communications with your captain. Rile, my
partner, and I are going to rendezvous with two people from
your ship now.”
“When will you be back?” Chakotay asked.
“A day or two,” She said. “We can’t be gone long or
they’ll notice that we’re gone.”
“Thank you,” Chakotay said gratefully.
“Here,” Vea said and pulled a bundle out from under her
overcoat. “In here is the encrypting code for the
forcefield and some weapons. You’ll be able to defend
yourselves when the fighting breaks out.”
“Fighting?” Chakotay asked.
“They won’t just hand you over,” Vea said. “We’ll have
to use force. Keep this well hidden from the guards.”
Vea pressed a few buttons on the panel on the wall
lowering the forcefield. She quickly handed the bundle to
Chakotay and raised the forcefield once again.
“Vea,” A voice called. Vea and Chakotay froze,
fearing the worst. A man stepped out of the shadows.
“Rile,” Vea sighed. “You scared me.”
“We have to leave now before anyone wakes up,” Rile
“We’ll be back for you,” Vea promised and turned to
walk away.


Tom landed the shuttle on the surface of Cinis with
expert ease. Cinis was a jungle-like planet. Trees
surrounded the clearing in which the shuttle Aristotle had
landed. Any other pilot would have hit a few trees during
the landing process, but not Tom.
By the way the twin suns of Cinis were lighting up the
sky, B’Elanna estimated that it was around noon.
“These are the rendezvous coordinance,” B’Elanna said.
“Nothing to do now, but wait,” Tom said. However,
they didn’t have to wait long. A faint knock came from the
back of the shuttle.
“Looks like we have visitors,” Tom said and walked to
the back of the shuttle, B’Elanna following behind him. He
lowered the door, with his phaser drawn, to reveal a man and
a woman. They both wore all black.
“I’m Vea,” the woman spoke. “We were told to
rendezvous with you here.”
Tom quickly put his phaser away. “I’m Lieutenant Tom
Paris, and this is Lieutenant B’Elanna Torres.”
“I’m Rile,” the man spoke.
“We should get started,” Vea said. “It took us almost
17 hours to reach these coordinates from the Avenger’s
Tom and B’Elanna grabbed their packs and secured them
on their backs. Tom opened the weapons locker and took out
two phaser rifles. He handed one to B’Elanna and slung the
other over his shoulder.
Tom and B’Elanna exited the shuttle Aristotle to begin
their long trek through the jungle.


Almost three hours later, the four were still hiking
through the steaming jungle. Tom wiped the sweat from his
brow. He hadn’t expected Cinis to have such a warm climate.
He looked over at B’Elanna who had removed her uniform top
and turtle neck and was now wearing her tanktop. She too
had perspiration dripping from her ridges. The jungle was
hot even by Klingon standards. Vea and Rile seemed to be
unaffected by the temperature.
Vea and Rile walked a few feet in front of Tom and
B’Elanna shrieked and swatted at a golden colored
insect that had landed on her forearm.
Tom laughed. “It’s only a bug, B’Elanna,” he said.
“I hate bugs!” she growled.
The two walked on in silence following Vea and Rile.
B’Elanna was a few steps ahead of Tom when she heard a thump
and Tom’s voice swearing.
B’Elanna turned to see Tom face down on the ground.
“Tom?” She asked.
“I’m okay,” he insisted. “I just tripped over that
tree root.”
Vea and Rile had turned to see what the commotion
behind them was all about.
“They are so slow and clumsy,” Rile said under his
“Would you rather continue without them?” Vea asked.
“Face the Avengers alone?”
“No,” he replied softly.
“Then keep your mouth shut!” Vea ordered. “I’m going
to see if they need help.”
Vea walked towards where Tom was laying on the ground,
B’Elanna crouched over him.
“Is everything okay?” Vea asked.
“I...uh, had a little trip,” Tom said embarrassed.
B’Elanna held out her hand in an attempt to help Tom to
his feet. He pushed himself up slowly. Placing two feet
firmly on the ground, he let out a yelp as one ankle gave
B’Elanna and Vea slowly eased Tom back down to the
ground in a sitting position. B’Elanna pulled up his pant
leg to examine his ankle. It was bent in a weird angle and
the bone was pointing through the skin.
“It’s broken, Tom,” B’Elanna said. She took the pack
off her back and began to forage through it in search of the
med kit.
“Here,” she said, “this will help with the pain.”
B’Elanna pressed a hypospray to Tom’s neck.
“Can you repair it?” Vea asked.
“I’m not sure,” B’Elanna said. She took out the
medical tricorder and began scanning Tom’s ankle. “It’s a
serious break. I don’t have the right equipment to repair
If it had been a warp coil, B’Elanna could have fixed
it in a snap. Unfortunately she knew very little about
first aid.
“You’ll have to put a splint on it,” Tom said.
“Right,” B’Elanna replied. She looked through the
med. kit. “How exactly do I *do* that?”
“What?” Tom asked. “Did you take basic first aid at
the Academy?”
“Well, yes,” B’Elanna replied. “But, I never really
*used* it.”
“It’s a good thing I work in sickbay then,” Tom smiled
through the pain.
Tom guided B’Elanna and Vea through the procedure until
his ankle was securely wrapped. The two women helped Tom to
stand once more. Tom placed his arm around B’Elanna’s
shoulder and leaned his weight on her.
“Give me your pack,” Vea requested. She placed Tom’s
pack on her back and threw his phaser rifle over her
shoulder. “You don’t need any unnecessary weight weighing
you down,” she said.
Vea lead the way back to where Rile was standing;
B’Elanna followed, with Tom leaning on her for support.
“We’ll have to slow down the pace,” Vea told Rile.
Rile moved as if to protest but said nothing.


“What do you mean they are gone?!” Chakotay heard a
man yell.
“Vea and Rile didn’t report to their posts this morning
and no one has seen them since last night,” another man
quickly explained.
“Find them!” the man ordered.
“Who is that?” Chakotay asked Ewin motioning to the
yelling man.
“His name is Agon,” Ewin explained. “He’s the leader
of the Avengers. He used to hold a very high government
position on Cinis. That is, before he turned against us.”
“Ewin,” Chakotay said. “Last night after you and
Henley fell asleep, I had a visitor.”
“Vea?” Ewin asked. Chakotay nodded.
Chakotay motioned to the corner of the cell where
Henley was sitting. Ewin and Chakotay walked over to the
corner. Once Ewin and Henley were gathered around him,
Chakotay pulled out the bundle that Vea had give him the
night before.
“I have weapons and the encryption code to the
forcefield,” Chakotay whispered.
“Then let’s get out of here!” Henley said.
“Mariah, no!” Chakotay said. “Captain Janeway found a
way to get us out of here. But, we have to wait.”
“For what?” She asked.
“Two members of the Avengers are actually government
officials under cover,” Ewin explained.
“They went to rendezvous with some crew members from
Voyager,” Chakotay said. “Once they get back, we’ll get
out of here.”
“What are you doing?” The guard demanded. Chakotay
quickly tossed the bundle to Henley and turned to answer the
“Nothing,” He replied.
“I don’t believe you,” The guard said.
“We were just talking,” Ewin said.
“You!” Agon yelled at the guard.
“Yes sir?” The guard asked turning to face Agon.
“Join the search party looking for Vea and Rile,” Agon
“Yes sir,” The guard responded and quickly left.
“Something tells me they aren’t as loyal to the
Avengers as I thought. Are they Ewin?” He asked the
“How should I know?” Ewin asked. “As far as I’m
concerned, Vea and Rile are traitors just like you!”
Agon laughed. “You are in no position to judge me,

Ewin!” He yelled and walked away.


B’Elanna and Tom stumbled after Vea and Rile through
the jungle of Cinis. It was getting considerably darker out
and it would soon be night.
“We should stop for the night,” Vea said.
“We still have ground to cover before nightfall,” Rile
“We can do that tomorrow, Rile,” Vea said. “Tom is
injured. He and B’Elanna need to rest. And so do we!”
“Fine,” Rile gave in. “We’ll set up camp here for the
B’Elanna helped Tom into a sitting position and leaned
him against a tree. “How are you doing?” She asked.
“Me? I’m fine,” He lied. The pain was excruciating.
“You’re a horrible liar,” B’Elanna smiled. She
reached into the med. kit and pulled out the hypospray and
pressed it to Tom’s neck.
Tom tried to suppress a yawn. “Tired?” B’Elanna
asked. Tom nodded. She laughed. “So am I. It’s not easy
dragging you through the jungle.”
“Sorry,” Tom said.
“Don’t apologize,” B’Elanna said. “You’d do the same
for me, right?”
“I don’t know,” Tom teased. “I’d have to think about
“Hey!” B’Elanna said.
“Just kidding,” He said.
“Get some sleep Tom,” B’Elanna instructed. “You’ll
need all your strength for tomorrow.”
“Good night, B’Elanna,” He said.
“Good night,” she said and leaned to kiss him.
“B’Elanna?” Vea asked.
B’Elanna pulled away from Tom. “Yes?” She asked.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Vea said. “I didn’t mean to
“You didn’t,” B’Elanna assured her. “Can I help you?”
“I was just wondering if you could help me gather some
fire wood,” Vea said.
“I’ll be right there.”
B’Elanna gave Tom one last kiss before going to help
“I didn’t realize that you and Lieutenant Paris
were...” Vea trailed off.
“Involved?” B’Elanna offered.
Vea nodded.
“Well,” B’Elanna said, “we don’t do a very good job of
hiding it.”
Vea bent to pick up a log that was on the ground. She
stopped midway.
“What’s wrong?” B’Elanna asked.
“Did you hear something?” Vea inquired.
“No,” B’Elanna answered.
The bushes rustled. “I heard it this time, “ B’Elanna
“Let’s go back,” Vea said.
A pahser blast and a yell rang out. B’Elanna and Vea
began running through the now dark jungle towards where Tom
and Rile were. Branches tugged at B’Elanna’s clothing and
hair but she ran faster, Vea following close behind her.
They entered the clearing to witness Rile taking cover
behind a tree shooting at two men.
“The Avengers!” Vea yelled to B’Elanna. “They came
after us.”
B’Elanna concealed herself behind a tree and quickly
made her way over to where her phaser rifle was. She saw
Tom trying to stand leaning himself against a tree; keeping
himself steady with one hand placed against the tree. He
was holding the phaser rifle with the other hand, firing at
one of the men. B’Elanna moved to where Tom was, and stood
behind the tree.
B’Elanna grabbed her phaser and fired, hitting one of
the men directly in the chest. He fell to the ground. The
other man spotted B’Elanna and raised his phaser to fire at
her. His aim was off slightly. B’Elanna ducked out of the
way. Tom quickly moved to the side, however he wasn’t fast
enough. The phaser blast hit him in the side and he fell to
the ground.
“Tom!” B’Elanna shouted.
Another phaser blast came her way, but she flung
herself to the ground, covering Tom’s body with her own.
Rile peeked out from behind the tree and shot at the man
hitting him in the stomach. The man fell to the ground.
One man was a distance away, hiding behind a tree. After
witnessing his comrades deaths, he turn and ran back from
the direction which he had come.
Vea rushed over to where Tom and B’Elanna were on the
ground. “What happened?” she asked.
“He was shot,” B’Elanna said. “Get me the med. kit.”
“No!” Rile yelled. “We have no time! They know where
we are. We have to leave before more of them come.”
“We can’t go,” B’Elanna yelled. “Tom’s been hurt.”
“He’s slowed down this whole mission!” Rile yelled.
“We have to leave him behind. If we don’t, we’ll all be
“No!” B’Elanna yelled. “Vea, hand me the med. kit.”
“B’Elanna,” Vea said softly, “Rile is right. We have
to go now or we’ll all be killed.”
“We can’t leave Tom!” B’Elanna yelled.
“B’Elanna,” Tom’s weak voice said. “Go, I’ll be
“No, Tom,” she argued. “I won’t leave you.”
“Just give me the med. kit,” he said. “I’ll be all
right. You can come back for me later.”
“No, Tom,” she said holding back tears.
“That’s an order, Lieutenant!” Tom said forcefully.
“Let’s go, B’Elanna,” Vea said.
B’Elanna kissed Tom lightly on the forehead and handed
him the med. kit. “I love you,” she whispered before
turning to leave.
“We must hurry,” Vea said. The three ran through the
pitch black jungle. B’Elanna could hardly see her
companions because of their solid black outfits. B’Elanna
ran, faster and faster. She new she had just left Tom to
die. His phaser wound was too serious and if anyone came
back, he wouldn’t be able to run with a broken ankle.
Still, she ran, her heart pounding in her chest. Thump.
Her heart pounded. Thump, thump, thump. It’s steady beat
quickened. Thump,thump, thump.
B’Elanna stopped. She couldn’t go any further. Vea
turned around, “Come on, B’Elanna!” She yelled.
“No!” B’Elanna said. “I can’t!”
“We have to!” Vea said.
“I’m going back for Tom,” B’Elanna said. “I’ll catch
up with you.”
Before Vea could argue with her, B’Elanna had turned

and was running back the opposite way.
“Let her go, Vea,” Rile said.


“Agon,” a man said breathlessly.
“What is it?” Agon demanded.
“We found them,” the man replied.
“Where are they?”
“In the jungle, sir,” the man said. “They are headed
this way.”
“Good,” Agon said, “we’ll be waiting for them.”


B’Elanna found Tom unconscious lying on the ground.
There was a stain of blood on his uniform from the phaser
blast wound and he looked very pale.
“Tom!” she gasped and rushed over to where he was.
She quickly felt for a pulse and breathed a sigh of relief
upon finding one.
She leaned over and picked Tom up throwing him over her
shoulder. Normally her Klingon strength could withstand the
extra weight. However, B’Elanna was considerably weakened
from the long trek through the jungle. She stumbled a
little at first, but then became more sure-footed.


“I’m going back for them,” Vea said.
“What?!” Rile asked. “Are you insane?”
“No, Rile,” Vea insisted. “We need them! I have a
plan, but we’re going to need Tom and B’Elanna’s help.”
“We need nothing from them!” Rile yelled.
“Fine!” Vea yelled. “Go ahead back to the base and
get yourself killed, I’m turning back.”
Vea turned on heel and began to in the direction that
B’Elanna had went.
“Wait!” Rile called. “I’m coming, too.”
Vea waited for Rile to catch up with her before
continuing back to meet Tom and B’Elanna.
B’Elanna could barely see. The jungle was so dark it
was impossible to know which direction she was headed. The
sweat dripped from her brow ridges, but she couldn’t move
her hand to wipe it away for fear of losing her grip on Tom.
She heard footsteps ahead of her. B’Elanna quickly
ducked down into the shrubbery , trying to conceal herself
and Tom from the approaching people.
“B’Elanna?” She heard a voice call her name.
“Vea?” B’Elanna asked. She stood and turned around
looking for Vea. She was almost impossible to see. There
was a movement a few feet away.
“Vea?” B’Elanna asked again.
“We’re here,” Vea said. “Rile and I.”
“I found Tom,” B’Elanna said. “He’s unconscious,
he’ll need to be carried.”
“Where is he?” Rile asked. B’Elanna was a bit taken
back by Rile’s sudden willingness to help.
“Over there,” B’Elanna said. “In the bushes where I
was hiding.”
Rile went over and picked up Tom’s limp body throwing
him over his shoulder.
“B’Elanna, I have a plan,” Vea said. “There’s no time
to talk now, we have to get back to the base.”


B’Elanna saw one of the twin suns of Cinis begin to
rise over the horizon, turning the sky a bright pinkish-
orange color. B’Elanna was exhausted. She had been walking
all night in the jungle. She found it almost impossible to
keep up with Vea and Rile, but she had. The jungle was so
dark at times, and because of their third eye, Vea and Rile
had better sight than B’Elanna.
They had now come to a large cavern opening. Now, they
were just waiting. Waiting in the shrubbery for an
opportunity to take the cave to the Avenger’s underground
base. B’Elanna was worried about Tom. He was still
unconscious, and losing more blood. The med. kit had been
left behind during the run.
B’Elanna looked down at Tom’s pale face. He was laying
on the dew-moistened ground next to her.
“Don’t you *dare* leave me, Thomas Eugene Paris!”
B’Elanna sternly whispered to him as she caressed his cheek
with the back of her hand. But, B’Elanna knew that his
chances were slim to none if he didn’t see a doctor soon.
“B’Elanna,” Vea said, “Nows are chance. Just follow
my lead, okay?”
B’Elanna nodded. Rile stood and flung Tom’s limp body
over his shoulder. Vea pulled out her phaser and stood
behind B’Elanna.
“Let’s go,” Vea said.
The group ascended the long way through the cave to the
hideout of the Avengers. Finally, they came to what
appeared to be a door, a man was standing guard.
“There you are,” the guard said to Vea and Rile.
“Agon has been looking for you, and he is not happy. Where
have you been?”
“We found Agon two more prisoners,” Vea said holding
the phaser to B’Elanna’s back. “We’re going to go take them
to him now.”
The guard stood aside and let them through. Vea and
Rile found Agon to present him with the new “prisoners.”
“Where have you been?” Agon demanded.
“Finding you more prisoners,” Vea explained and pushed
B’Elanna towards Agon who eyes her carefully.
“This one’s been injured,” Vea motioned to Tom. “We
had to shoot him to keep him in line, but he’s still alive.
I know you like your prisoners alive.”
“You liar!” A man who had been listening shouted at
Vea and Rile.
“You did not shoot this man nor are these your
prisoners. I saw you in the jungle with them, you traitor!
They are lying to you, Agon,” he yelled.
Vea knew what she had to do. Before Agon could
respond, she yelled, “Now, B’Elanna!”
B’Elanna took off running in the opposite direction,
where Vea had told her that Chakotay and the others were
being held. Vea and Rile ducked behind a wall peeking out
to fire their phasers. Rile set Tom down on the ground,
standing over him as to make sure he wouldn’t be shot again.
Vea fired once, missing. Then, once more hitting Agon
and killing him. A blast came towards Vea and Rile, barely
missing their heads.


“Who are you?” The cell guard demanded of B’Elanna.
She laced her fingers together and hit him at the base of
the skull knocking him to the ground and took his phaser.
She ran over to the holding cell.
“B’Elanna,” Chakotay yelled.
“No time to talk,” B’Elanna said. “We have to get out
of here.” She began pressing various buttons on the control
panel on the wall.
“Nevermind that, B’Elanna,” Chakotay said. “I have
the encryption code.” He pulled out the bundle containing
the code and three phasers. He quickly deactivated the
forcefield, and handed a phaser to Henley and Ewin.
“Let’s go!” B’Elanna yelled and lead the way back to
where the fighting was taking place.


Vea and Rile got in several more good shots killing
several guards, however, there were many more still
standing. Vea leaned her back up against the wall, all
around her, phaser blast were ringing out.
“I’m going out there,” She said to Rile.
“That’s suicide, Vea,” he said.
“I’m going to kill as many of those bastards as I can,”
she said through gritted teeth. “Even if it means killing
B’Elanna came in firing, hitting a man directly in the
back who hadn’t noticed her. Chakotay and Henley were right
behind her, taking out several more guards. Ewin had
obviously never handled a phaser and was struggling with his
aim, hitting mostly the wall, if he was lucky.
Only three men remained standing. B’Elanna fired,
hitting one in the arm, he turned to fire back at B’Elanna,
but received a phaser blast in the back by Vea who was now
in clear view. Another man turned, hitting Vea directly in
the chest, she fell to the ground.
“No!” Rile yelled. Charging at the man who had shot
Vea he fired and killed the man. Only one was left
standing. Chakotay aimed, hitting the man with one shot and
knocking him to the ground.
B’Elanna ran among the mess of dead bodies over to
where Vea lay on the floor. Rile was standing over her,
checking for signs of life. All three of her eyes here open
still. They were blood red, reflecting the color of her
blood-stained shirt.
“She’s dead,” Rile said softly.
“I’m sorry,” B’Elanna quietly uttered.
“Are you happy now, Ewin?!” Rile shouted at the older
man. “She died, because of you.”
“I didn’t kill her,” Ewin said.
“She died trying to save you!” Rile shouted standing
only a few inches from Ewin. He raised his phaser to Ewin.
Ewin instinctively cowered in fear.
“That’s enough!” Chakotay yelled. “She died trying to
save all of us, not just him. She was a brave woman. Now,
put the phaser down. There’s been enough killing for
“Let’s get out of here,” Henley said.


B’Elanna sat in by the biobed, holding Tom’s limp hand.
He looked lifeless, even though he was only sleeping. The
doctor had performed emergency surgery and repaired both
Tom’s phaser wound and his broken ankle.
One eye twitched, then the other. Tom’s blue eyes
slowly blinked open. “Hi,” B’Elanna said softly.
“Hey,” Tom replied.
“How do you feel?”
“Numb,” Tom half-smiled.
“That’s from all the pain-killers the Doc gave you,”
B’Elanna said.
“Where’s Vea and Rile? Is the away team back? How did
the mission go?” Tom asked quickly.
B’Elanna’s expression turned serious. “Vea was
killed,” she said. “Chakotay and Mariah are back on
Voyager, the mission was a success.”
Tom let the information sink in before saying what was
really on his mind.
“You came back for me,” Tom said.
“Yes, I did.”
“And, you disobeyed a direct order,” Tom said.
“Yes, I did,” she said again.
“Why? You could have been killed and put the whole
mission in jeopardy,” Tom said.
“After I left you,” B’Elanna started. “I was running
through the jungle, and my heart was pounding in my chest.
I just kept thinking about a Klingon legend that my mother
used to tell me when I was little. The Klingon wedding
“Tell me,” Tom requested.
“It’s just a silly Klingon myth,” B’Elanna said.
“And, I don’t even think I can remember it all.”
“Please,” Tom asked. “Tell me.”
B’Elanna looked at him, took a breath and began the
story, “With fire and steel did the gods forge the
Klingon heart. So fiercely did it beat, so loud was the
sound that the gods cried out, 'On this day we have brought
forth the strongest heart in all the heavens. None can stand
before it without trembling at its strength.’But then the
Klingon heart weakened, the steady rhythm faltered and the
gods asked, 'Why have you weakened so? We have made you the
strongest in all of creation.' And the heart said, 'I am
alone.'‘ B’Elanna paused for a moment, trying to remember
the rest of the story. Tom was listen intently to her,
hanging on her every word.
“And, so, the gods knew they had erred, so they went
back to their forge and brought forth another heart. But the
second heart beat stronger than the first, and the first
was jealous of its power. Fortunately, the second heart was
tempered by wisdom. 'If we join together, no force can stop
us.' And when the two hearts began to beat together, they
filled the heavens with a terrible sound. For the first
time, the gods knew fear.
“They tried to flee, but it was too late. The Klingon
hearts destroyed the gods who created them, and turned the
heavens to ashes. To this very day, no one can oppose the
beating of two Klingon hearts."
B’Elanna waited for a response, but Tom said nothing
for a few moments.
“That’s a beautiful story, B’Elanna,” He said.
“Do you understand now?” she asked. “Do you know why
I just couldn’t leave you there?”
“B’Elanna,” Tom said. “ I understand, and I would
have done the same for you.”
“I love you, Tom Paris”
“And I love you.”

The end