NOTES: First of all, I know that Ensing Wildman is not a engineer, but in
this story, she is.  I don't know if there is a such thing as an
electromagnetic burst. And lastly, I made up all of that stuff about blood
type E and Dr. McCoy. I guess thats why they call it fanFICTION. With all
this in mind, enjoy the story!

DEDICATION: This story is dedicated to my favorite cousin and fellow
Parisite, Lauren Taylor.Thanks for all the ideas!
This story is also dedicated to my younger sister, Jill Bitter, even though
she will probably never read it because she does not understand anything
Trek. Jill, hang in there, things will get better! :)


DISCLAIMER: Paramount, Inc. owns the characters and all that stuff that I
didn't make up.

Drum roll story,

By: Amy Michelle Bitter

        Ensign Samantha Wildman walked briskly into engineering.
        "Sorry I'm late, Lieutenant." Samantha apologized to B'Elanna. "I had to
take Lauren to Sickbay for her physical."
        "Physicals?" B'Elanna asked more to herself than to Samantha. "Was that
        "Yes, Lieutenant." Samantha answered.
        "I forgot all about it. I'd better get to Sickbay." B'ELana said.
"Lieutenant Carey, take care of everything down here while I'm gone."


        B'Elanna entered Sickbay with one thing on her mind, getting out of there
as soon as possible.  She didn't have time to be healthy when there was
work to be done.But, Captain Janeway had insisted that everyone have there
annual physicals. B'Elanna had managed to come up with excuses to avoid it
every other time. She had always hated doctors.  But, Captain Janeway
caught on and gave her a direct order to go see the Doctor.
        "Lieutenant," The Doctor said. "i was wondering when you would grace us
with your presence. Please have a seat on biobed one."
        B'Elanna scoffed at the ill-mannered hologram, and had a seat on the
biobed. The Doctor began to scan her with his medical tricorder studying
the results.
        "That's odd." The Doctor commented.
        "What is?" B'Elanna asked.
        "Your DNA."
        "Gee, thanks, Doc." B'Elanna said.
        "What I mean is, your DNA is very simmilar to two other people on board."
The Doctor explained.
        "Who?" B'Elanna asked.
        "Ensign Wildman and her daughter. It appears that you and Samantha have a
common parent."
        "What?!" B'Elanna asked. "That's ridiculous. I'm half-Klingon. Samantha is
fully human."
        "I am aware of that, Lieutenant." The Doctor said. "It seems you have the
same father."
        *Father,* B'Elanna thought. As far as she was concearned, she had no
father. He'd left her so long ago. It'd been years since she'd even thought
about him.
        B'Elanna walked over to the computer console.
        "Computer, display personl files of Samantha Wildman." She ordered.
        The file came up on the screen and B'Elanna began to carefully study it.
        "Doctor," She said motioning for him to come and look at the screen, "it
says here that Samantha Wildman's maiden name wa Taylor. There is no way we
can be related."
        "You can't just ignore these facts." The Doctor told her. "You have
similar DNA which means a common parentage."
        B'Elanna asked herself, why was she ignoring the facts? *Because that
is no proof at all* she answered herself. That was her, B'Elanna Torres,
always looking for the reasonalbe answer to every question and anomaly.
        "I have to get back to engineering now." B'Elanna said. "Do me a favor and
check those readings again. I'll be back later."


        The rest of her shift seemed to drag along. Just another routine day in
engineering. It was days like this that made B'Elana wish for some kind of
        B'Elanna finished her shift in engineering. She went back to Sickbay to
see if the Doctor could confirm his eariler news.
        "I found the same thing." He told her. "There is a definite relation
between you and Ensign Wildman."
        "Have you talked to Samantha yet?" B'Elanna inquired.
        "No, not yet. I thought you might want to talk to her, she is your
half-sister after all."


        B'Elanna walked through the corridors of Voyager, the burden of what the
Doctor had told her still weighing on her mind.  B'Elanna came to a stop
infront of Samantha Wildman's quarters. She stood in front of the door
debating waether or not to ring the bell. *What exactly are you going to
say?* B'Elanna asked herself. *Hi, I'm your half-sister, can you tell me
about our father?*  She dicided aganist the idea and walked towards the
Mess Hall.
        B'Elanna sat at a table alone with her thoughts. Could what the Doctor
said be true? If her father had started a new life, that life would have
included new children.  But, wouldn't Samantha's maiden name be Torres?
B'Elanna was so lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice that Tom had
entered the room and had been trying to get her attention.
        "B'Elanna!" Tom said forcefully.
        "What?" She asked being ripped from her thoughts.
        "Are you OK?" Tom asked sitting down inthe chair across from her.
        "Yeah, I'm fine." B'Elanna said. "I just have alot on my mind."
        "I've been told I'm a good listener if you want to talk about it."
        B'Elanna thought about the emotions bottled up inside of her.  If she
didn't let them out soon, she was sure to lash out at someone. *What
thehell* She tought.
        "I went for my physical today, and the Doctor gave me the strangest news."
B'Elanna said.
        "Really? What?" Tom asked seeming worried.
        "He said I share common DNA with other people on Voyager."
        "Who?" Tomasked.
        "Ensign Wildman and her daughter. He said Samantha and I have the same
        "What did Samantha say about this?" Tom asked.
        "She doesn't know." B'Elanna said. "I haven't told her yet."
        "Why not? It affects her just as much as it affects you."
        "I know." B'Elanna said. "But, what am I supposed to say?"
        "Just tell her exactly what you told me, it will go from there." Tom
instructed her.
        "Thanks so much, Tom."
        "Anytime." Tom smiled his blue eyes twinkling. "I'll always be there for
you, B'Elanna. I care about you." Amazed at himself for what he had just
said, Tom tentatively reached across the table, grabbed B'Elanna hand and
squeezed it.
        A sudden emotion came over B'Elanna, one she couldn't quite explain.
        *You can't have feelings for him* B'Elanna told herself after she
identified the motions within her.  But, she had felt this way for sometime
now, whenever they were together.  She didn't know how Tom felt about her,
and she didnt have time to worry about it right now.
        "Go talk to your sister." Tom smiled.


                B'Elanna found herself outside of Ensign Wildman's door once more.  She
rang the bell and Samantha ordered her to enter.
        B'Elanna walked into the room and saw Samantha sitting in a chair with
Lauren on her lap.  The little girl had inherited her mother's blond hair
that framed her face and accentuated the spikes on her forehead which she
had inherited from her father.
        *That's my niece* B'Elanna told herself.
        "I was just finishing reading Lauren her bedtime story." Samantha
explained. "I'll be with you in a minute."
        "Take your time." B'Elanna said.
        The little girl had already dozed off to sleep before she could be read
the rest of the story.  Samantha set the PADD on the arm of the chair and
scooped her daughter up in her arms.
        "I'll be right back." Samantha said walking towards the bedroom. "Please
have a seat."
        Samantha returned to the main area of her quarters and found B'Elanna
sitting in the chair which she had previsouly been in examinging the PADD.
        "Snow White and the Seven Dwafs?" B'Elanna asked.
        "It's her favorite." Samantha explained. "What can I so for you, Lieutenant?"
        "I think we need to talk about something." B'Elanna said.
        Samantha had a seat on the couch worried about the serious expresson on
the chief engineer's face.
        "Is this about me being late for my shift today?" The ensign asked.
        "No," B'Elanna said as she got up and began to pace the room.
        Samantha breathed a sigh of relief.  She'd beard of B'Elanna's outburts at
people for being a second late for their shift.
        "I don't know how to say this." B'Elanna said as she continued her pacing.
        Samantha was even more curious now.
        B'Elanna stoped her pacing and had a seat on the couch next to Samantha.
        "I went to get my physical today," B'Elanna began, "The Doctor told me
something I didn't really believe at first."
        "What is it?" Samantha asked with a worried look.
        "We have similar DNA." B'Elanna said.
        "Which means?"
        "Which means we have a common parent." B'Elanna explained.
        "Are you saying we're sisters?" Samantha asked.
        "Yes," B'Elanna said. "It seems we have the same father. I was wondering
if you could tell me something about my..." B'Elanna paused. "..about our
        "I'm sorry, Lieutenant."
        "Call me B'Elanna."
        "B'Elanna," Samantha began again. "Our father left my mother while she was
still pregnant with me. I never met him."
        "Is that why your maiden name is listed as Taylor in you personal files?"
        "Yes," Samantha started. "When I was three, mu mother remarried, and I
took my stepfather's last name."
        "You were raised by you mother and stepfather?" B'Elanna asked.
        "Not really, my stepfather died when I was five. I was rasied in a one
parent home."
        "Like me." B'ELanna said.
        Samantha nodded.
        "B'Elanna I was wondering, do you know why our father left your mother?"
Samantha asked. "My mother never gave me any reason. I always thought it
was because he didn't want me."
        For once in her life, B'Elanna didn't feel so alone.  Someone else was
able to identify with her pain.  The pain of being abandoned by a parent.
        "I don't know why he left." B'Elanna admitted. "Like, you. I always
thought he left because he didn't want me. I thought he was ashamed to have
a half-Klingon daughter."
        "I feel so bad for Lauren." Samantha said. "I don't want her to have to
grow up without a father the way we did."
        "Don't worry, Samantha, your an excellent mother." B'Elanna said.
"Besides, if you ever need any help, her Aunt B'Elanna will always be there."


        Two months had passed and B'Elanna and Samantha ha become very close
friends. They found they had a lot in common, which surprised them both.
Several nights a week, they spent hours in Samantha's quarters just
talking, about their mother, their childhooh's, what they thought their
father was like.  B'Elanna was a ittle uncomfortable with the friendship at
first, she'd never had many female friends.  But, then she realized,
Samantha was more than a friend, she was her sister.
        B'Elanna had become very close with Lauren, too. The two-year-old often
accompained her Aunt B'Elanna on trips to the holodeck, and on nights when
B'Elanna was there, she read Lauren 'Snow White and the Seven Dawrfs.'


        "Captain, we're approaching the nebula." Harry Kim announced.
        "On screen." The captain ordered.
        The massive bulish-gray nebula appeared on the screen.  Bolts of
lightening flashed throughout it.
        "There's some knid of electromagnetic storm going on inside the nebula."
Harry explained.
        "Can we go around it?" Janeway asked.
        "I don't think so, Captain, it's too big."
        "Will we be safe going in there?" Janeway asked turning to face Harry's
        "As long as shields stay at maximum." Harry said.
        "Tuvok," The Captain said, "Shields up. Mr. Paris, set a course through
the nebula, warp six."
        Halfway through the nebula, Voyager came to a sudden stop causing the crew
to jolt forward.
        "Captain, we've lost warp drive." Tuvok explained.
        "Janeway to Torres." The Captain pressed her commbadge.  "What's going on
down there?"
        "We've been hit by an electromagnetic energy burst."  B'Elanna said. "If I
try to rerout power to the warp drive, we'll loose shields.  The best I
will be able to give you I impluse engines."
        "How soon?" Janeway asked.
        "I don't know, Captain, but if we are hit with another energy burst like
the one before, we could loose power to the shields."
        "Find a way to get the inpulse engine back on line." Janeway ordered.
"Keep me posted."


        "OK, people, listen up." B'Elanna ordered. "We need impulse engines, and
we need them now.  Everyone stop what you are doing, this is our first
priority. I want everyone working on this."
        The engineering crew busied themselves at their consoles working on the
task B'Elanna has given them.
        Samantha Wildman moved her fingers quickly across her console.  She
stopped only briefly to push a few stray wisps of blond hair from her face,
and  continued working.
        Outside of Voyager, bolts of electromagnetice lightening flashed all
around.  Suddenly another energy burst hit Viyager, right behind Samantha
Wildman's console.
        The burst caused her console to spark and flame, and the force knocked her
to the ground.
        "Samantha!" B'Elanna screamed rushing to her sister's side. "Medical
emergencey in Main Engineering." She reported pressing her commbadge.
        "Lieutenant, we have impulse engines." Carey interrupted B'Elanna.
        "Captain, we have impulse engines." B'Elanna pressed he rcommbadge and
informed the captain.
        "Tom, get us out of here." Captain janeway ordered.
        "Captain, our shields are down to 97%." Tuvok intrrupted.
        "Tuvok, transfer all back up power to compensate, and shut down all
unneecessary systems." The Captain said, and then turned to face Harry,
"Ensign, use the sensors to your fullest advantage, if one of thoses
electomagnetic burst comes within 100 meters of us, I want to know."
        "Aye, Captain." Harry acknowledged her orders.
        "Captain, we've cleared the nebula." Tom announced from the helm.


        "Doctor, you wanted to see me?" Janeway asked as she entered Sickbay.
        "Yes, captain." The Doctor said. "It's about Ensign Wildman's condition."
        "How is she?"
        "Not very well, Captain." The Doctor said grimly. "It appears the
electromagnetic burst that hit her, contaminated her blood.  She will need
a complete blood transfusion."
        "Can you replicate new blood?" The Captain asked.
        "Normally I would say yes," The Doctor began, "But, Ensign Wildman has a
very rare blood type. Blood type E."
        "Blood tpye? I've never heard of it."
        "Most people haven't. It was discovered by Dr. Leonard McCoy in the 23rd
century. It affects only one in every billion people." The Doctor said.
        "What can you do for her?" Janeway asked.
        "Well, there is another membe of he crew who's blood has some of the
characterisitcs of blood type E."
        "Lieutenant Torres." Janeway said.
        "Yes, captain." The Doctor said. "I could alter a small amount of her
blood then  preform the transfusion."
        "Then do it."
        "It's not that simple, Captain." The Doctor said. "Tis is a very difficult
procedure, even for a doctor with my experience.  The blood must be altered
inside of the body.  Since not all of B'Elanna's blood is humsn, I risk the
chance of altering her Klingon blood as well.  If I alter too much of it,
she won't be able to survie without it.  She would die."
        "Talk this over with B'Elanna." Janeway ordered. "Let her know it is
completley up to her.  That whatever she decides, we'll stand behind her."


        "I'll do it." B'Elanna said.
        "Do you understand the risk?" The Doctor asked.
        "I understand perfectly." B'Elanna answered. "I'll do it. I have to help
her, she's my sister.  She has a daughter to raise, she needs to live."
        "We will preform the procedure at 0700 tomorrow morning." The Doctor said.


        B'Elanna had changed into a simple powder blue surgical gown and was lying
on the biobed waithing for the Doctor to prepare her for surgery.
        Tom walked into Sickbay.
        "Lieutenant Paris, no one is allowed in here while this surgery is being
perfromed." The Doctor said.
        "I have to talk to B'Elanna." Tom said.
        Tom walked over and had aseat inthe chair next to the biobed B'Elanna was on.
        "I have to talk to you about something." Tom said.
        "Can it wait?" B'Elanna asked.
        "No," Tom said.  "I heard you might not make it through this surgery."
        "That's only a slim possibility." B'Elanna lied, she knew the risk was
much greater.
        "If I let you go through with this without me saying what I came to say, I
would have regreeted it the rest of my life."
        "What is it." B'Elanna asked Tom begining to look worried.
        "B'Elanna, I.." Tom began, "I don't know why it took nme so long to say
this, but I love you."
        B'Elanna placed her hand on Tom's cheek. "I love you, too." She smiled.
        Tom bent down and kissed he sweetly on the lips. "See you after surgery."
He said as he walked out of Sickbay.


        Tom and Harry sat in the Mess Hall impatiently  waiting for news on
B'Elanna and Samantha's conditions.
        "Damn it, Harry." Tom said. "How long does surgery take?"
        "Calm down, Tom." Harry said. "It's only been three hours."
        "Seems longer." Tom said. "Harry, I don't know what I'd do if anything
happened to her."
        "B'Elanna will make it through this." Harry assured him, "She's a fighter,
and she's way to stubborn to die."


        Nearly five hour later, the Doctor reported that both women had survived
        Tom walked into Sickbay with Lauren holding on to his hand.
        "Up for some visitors?" He asked B'Elana and Samantha.
        "Mommy!" Lauren said and rushed over to the biobed where Samantha was.
        "Are you going to be OK?" Lauren asked her mother.
        "I'll be fine." Samantha said. "Thanks to your Aunt B'Elanna."
        "So, what do youthink?" Tom asked B'Elanna.
        "About what?" She wondered.
        "Would you like to have children someday?" Tom asked.
        "Only if they are as close as my sister and I are." B'Elanna smiled over
at Samantha.

                                THE END