Title: Stamina
Series: VOY
Rating: G
Code: P, Kohlar
Part: 1/1 NEW
Date: 11 March 2001

Summary: Missing scene from Prophecy. Tom trains for the bat'leth match.

Disclaimer: Voyager owns all the characters, etc., I am just
using the characters for a little fun and relaxation.


Posting: OK to ASC, ASCEM, & BLTS. Please notify me if you
post anywhere else.

Special thanks to my beta readers: Phyllis S., Marianne, and Tracy S. Also
a special thanks goes out to malqa for help with the Klingon language.

by PJ in NH


Kohlar wiped the perspiration from his forehead and gestured to Paris with a
wave of the bat'leth to take a seat.

"We rest," Kohlar ordered.

Tom nodded, gasping from the exertion. He wiped his face with the sleeve of
his shirt before he picked up a water bottle. Taking a healthy swig, he
passed the container to his bat'leth instructor.

"You're giving me quite a workout," Tom admitted. He leaned his back
against the rock wall of the training cave. The coolness of the stone felt
good against his back.

"You surprised me, Paris."

Tom raised his eyebrows questioning Kohlar's statement.

"You are a worthy opponent. I hadn't expected that. You have talent. If
you were Klingon and back on Qo'noS, you'd have the makings for an honorable
bat'leth champion. And this," he swung his leather-covered arm wide,
"holodeck program is very impressive. You said you had used it before?"

Tom reached for the water bottle again. "Yeah, I developed it a few years
back and just before the Day of Honor. B'Elanna helped me refine the

Kohlar leaned forward interested in what Tom had told him. "The Day of
Honor? B'Elanna told me that she doesn't observe the Klingon traditions."

"Well let's say that she doesn't observe them regularly." Tom smiled.
"Every once in a while she gets nostalgic and decides to give it a shot.
She'll have a bite of blood pie or go a couple of rounds with a holographic
Klingon. It's not that she doesn't care about the traditions, it's just
that..." B'Elanna's husband fought for the right words. "... she has to
want to do it for herself, not for someone else."

Kohlar nodded. "Your wife has a strong will. She's not afraid to express
herself. Those are fine Klingon characteristics."

"B'Elanna has never had a problem expressing herself," Tom reassured Kohlar
with a grin. "And I do think she's beginning to accept her heritage. It's
been a long road, but she's starting to appreciate the things her mother
taught her."

"Ah, she told me a bit about her mother."

"Her name's Miral. According to B'Elanna her mother lived and breathed the
legends of Kahless. She savored all the tales of his exploits and
conquests. Miral would tell B'Elanna all the stories, and tried to teach
her all about the customs of the Klingon culture. But instead of being
inspired, frankly I think B'Elanna felt smothered."

Kohlar listened patiently.

"B'Elanna was young and when her father left she felt alone and unloved.
She and her mother were the only Klingons on Kessik, and Miral wasn't very
demonstrative with her feelings."

"A strong family framework is essential for a child."

Tom nodded. "When B'Elanna's father left them, it affected her for years.
She loved him dearly, and when he left it devastated her. Only recently has
she come to terms with it."

"It's not easy being married to a Klingon woman...even for a warrior. It
takes a great deal of stamina and..."

"Love," Tom supplied interrupting Kohlar. Both men smiled in understanding.

"Yes, love--the most powerful of all emotions." Kohlar nodded. "It takes a
special man to appreciate the passions of a Klingon woman, even a

"I prefer to look at it this way." Tom's lips curled upwards mischievously.
"It takes a special woman to put up with the likes of me."

Kohlar laughed wholeheartedly. He hadn't expected to like this Human so
much. He was not only quick with the bat'leth, but he was quick of wit.

"I adore her, Kohlar. You don't have to worry about me leaving B'Elanna or
our child. I'd do anything for her or our child."

"Even battle T'Greth?"

"To the death, if I have to."

Kohlar nodded with satisfaction and rose to his feet. "Rest is over. Time
to work on your movements, more specifically, jIrmoH."

"The twirling of the blade."

Tom's instructor smiled with approval. "luq. Remember what I told you
about T'Greth, he has a weakness on his left side."

"You're the boss."

"No, I'm your friend."

The End

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