Title: Chain of Love
Series: VOY
Rating: R
Code: P/T
Part: 1/18 NEW
Date: November 2000

Summary: An AU story inspired by the song "Brandy" by Looking Glass. Tom
and B'Elanna meet in the AQ, while Tom is with the Maquis and his Maquis
ship is in port for repairs. Before Tom has to leave to return to the
fighting, he presents B'Elanna with a gift or two--one of the gifts is a
surprise--even to him.

Explanation: Most of this story takes place pre-Voyager. Note, while some
scenes have been inspired from canon, this is not to say that these scenes
conform to canon one hundred percent. Some of the facts of this story were
borrowed from Jeri Taylor's Pathways.

Disclaimer: Voyager owns all the characters, etc., I am just using the
characters for a little fun and relaxation.

Note of Appreciation. Special thanks to my beta readers: P.J. Sutherland
and Marianne, and especially Tracy S. who has held my hand through the
writing of this story.


Posting: OK to ASC. Please notify me if you post anywhere else.


~~~~Brandy wears a braided chain
~~~~Made of finest silver from the north of Spain
~~~~A locket that bears the name
~~~~Of a man that Brandy loved.

In the present, in the Delta Quadrant...

Entering Sickbay quietly, Tom was thankful that his wife and his brand new
baby girl were resting comfortably. Just a few short hours ago, B'Elanna
had been swearing at him using every Federation Standard and Klingon curse
she knew. Even Tom had learned a few new epithets during the course of her
labor, but it had been worth it, as had suffering crushed bones, the result
of her clutching his hand during the last contraction. He wondered if
B'Elanna's father experienced similar injuries during her birth. Being that
B'Elanna's mother was a full-blooded Klingon, it's a wonder he's still
alive, Tom realized. The proud new father moved toward his family. He smiled
down fondly at B'Elanna who rested peacefully on the biobed, and at the
sleeping child in the bassinette next to her mother's bed.

It had taken a lot of luck and fate to bring them to this point, Tom mused.
Closing his eyes he offered up a silent prayer to whatever deity brought
them together and blessed their union with this healthy child. Opening his
eyes a few minutes later, he brushed away a few unshed tears of happiness,
before moving to place a bouquet of yellow roses on the table next to the
biobed. It was then he caught sight of the glint of silver that came from
B'Elanna's necklace. Tom had almost forgot the Doctor insisted B'Elanna
remove the silver locket that always hung around her neck; but he was sure
the EMH would never forget the choice words his wife used to express her
unwillingness to comply with his request.

Picking up the necklace, he wove the braided chain around the long fingers
of his left hand while he held the oval locket with his right.

"Hey," a tired voice greeted him. Tom looked down to see that B'Elanna had

"Did you have a good rest?" he asked softly so not to disturb his daughter.
"Mmmmm. I had a dream," she whispered, a little smile lit her face.

Tom grinned. "Tell me about it."

She patted the bed, inviting him to sit down beside her. "It was about the
necklace," she told him. "I dreamt about when you gave it to me, about how
we got together." B'Elanna turned toward the bassinette and placing a
loving hand on her daughter's behind and gave it a little pat. "I want her
to know our story, Tom. When she grows up, I want us to tell her


B'Elanna lips curled upwards. "Well, *almost* everything."